Kick It (cover of Peaches & Iggy Pop)
“Kick It” (cover of Peaches & Iggy Pop). Performed by The Violence and Mama’s Dirty Li’l Secret.
“Kick It” (cover of Peaches & Iggy Pop). Performed by The Violence and Mama’s Dirty Li’l Secret.
From writing & recording the upcoming EP, to headlining, to rockin’ radio worldwide, it’s all listed here. Check out our annual, quick recap of the sexiness that happened this past year.
We had a good ole’ Rock & Roll night – music, drinking & bootys! Thanks to the beautiful @RewStarr for having me back on The @ReWandWhO show and to @THEVIOLENCE for having the invite! And @goddesofmusic87 rocks! † The Deacon † on the ReW & WHo show The Violence – Badass @ Pianos […]
What happend this past year: Began producing and co-writing the debut album for The Violence (March) Attended Curacao’s first Fashion Week (March) Released a cover of Peaches’ “Kick It” – a duet with The Violence (March) Released our “Big City, Dirty Nights” EP (April) Released the video for “Sweet Memories” from “Big City, Dirty Nights.” […]